Congratulations on getting your ham radio license! Now that you’re officially a ham operator, you may be wondering what you can do with your new license. Don’t worry, there are plenty of activities and opportunities available to you as a new ham.

Getting your ham radio license is just the beginning of a rewarding and exciting journey in the world of amateur radio. There are many different activities and opportunities available to new hams, from making contacts on the air to getting involved in public service. Here are 6 things new hams can do after passing their license exam:

Get on the air

One of the most exciting things about getting your ham radio license is being able to get on the air and start making contacts. Whether you prefer voice, Morse code, or digital modes, there’s a whole world of hams out there waiting to make contact with you.

There are a few ways to find other hams to contact:

  • Listen: Start by listening to the bands to get a sense of what’s happening. You can find a list of active frequencies and modes on websites like DX Summit or DX Watch. Listen to different frequencies and modes to see what interests you.
  • Join a net: Nets are scheduled gatherings of hams who check in and share information. Joining a net is a great way to meet other hams and practice your communication skills.
  • Call CQ: When you’re ready to make your first contact, call CQ (meaning “seek you”) on a frequency where you think other hams may be listening. You can also answer other hams’ CQ calls.

Once you’ve made a contact, be sure to exchange call signs, signal reports, and any other information that’s relevant. You may also want to exchange QSL cards, which are like postcards that confirm your contact. QSL cards are a great way to keep track of your contacts and to make new friends in the ham radio community.

Build your own equipment

Building your own equipment can be a fun and rewarding way to explore the technical side of ham radio. There are many kits and projects available that are designed specifically for new hams, so you don’t need to be an expert to get started.


Participating in contests can be a fun and exciting way to test your skills and to make contacts with hams around the world. Whether you’re a casual operator or a serious contester, there are contests to suit all skill levels and interests.

Get involved in public service

Getting involved in public service is a great way to use your ham radio skills to help others. Hams can provide communication support for events like marathons, parades, and festivals, or for emergency response efforts like natural disasters or search and rescue operations.

Learn new skills

As a ham operator, you have the opportunity to learn a variety of new skills. Whether it’s learning Morse code, experimenting with digital modes, or building your own equipment, there’s always something new to learn in the world of ham radio.

Share your passion

As a new ham, you have the opportunity to share your passion for ham radio with others. You can introduce your friends and family to the hobby, or get involved in community outreach programs to promote the benefits of ham radio.

In conclusion, whatever your interests or goals may be, there is something for everyone in the ham radio community. So get out there, explore, and have fun!